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simple markdown

It would be nice if I could use a simple markdown or wiki for writing notes.

I have a web page for displaying pictures.


What I want is a page that takes a directory listing of a folder with loads of images and writes HTML to display them.

Could I put the directory listing between <div id=gifs ></div>?

Could I write a function to read the data from the web page and use inner HTML to write HTML?

Yes! it turns out to be easy.

Use dir /b > op.txt to get list of files and edit op.txt

Use dir /b

<div id="gifs">


 *  get list of image file names generated with dir /b > op.txt
 *  from <div id="gifs"> ... <div>
 *  and insert back into <div id="gifs"> ... <div>

 function showImages(){
  if (document.getElementById){
      gifs = document.getElementById( "gifs" ).innerHTML

	  /* split the list into an array, the join with <img src=X > | */
      gifsA = gifs.split("\n")
	  // add a dummy image 
      var opStr = ("<br>"+gifsA.join("> <HR> <img src=./")+"img_b9.png >")

      document.getElementById( "gifs" ).innerHTML=opStr


Simple Markdown using reg exp

Using information from: https://randyperkins2k.medium.com/writing-a-simple-markdown-parser-using-javascript-1f2e9449a558


http://www.dougrice.plus.com/hp/news/md2.htm - with added styles

// use list of replace
function markdownParser( text ) {
	const toHTML = text
		.replace(/^### (.*$)/gim, '<h3>$1</h3>') // h3 tag
		.replace(/^## (.*$)/gim, '<h2>$1</h2>') // h2 tag
		.replace(/^# (.*$)/gim, '<h1>$1</h1>') // h1 tag
		// my format
		.replace(/^=== (.*$)/gim, '<h1>$1</h1>') // h1 tag
		.replace(/^== (.*$)/gim,  '<h1>$1</h1>') // h1 tag

		.replace(/^ (.*$)/gim, '<pre>$1</pre>') // monospace - pre tags each line.

		// images , URLs
		.replace(/^(.*jpg|.*JPG|.*png|.*PNG|.*gif|.*GIF)$/gim, '<img src="$1" ><br>') // images
		.replace(/^(http.*)$/gim, '<a href="$1" >$1</a>') // URL
		// inline BOLD and italics	
		.replace(/\*\*(.*)\*\*/gim, '<b>$1</b>') // bold text
		.replace(/\*(.*)\*/gim, '<i>$1</i>'); // italic text
	return toHTML.trim(); // using trim method to remove whitespace

function showMarkdown( div_ip, div_op  ){
  var op2Str = ""
  if ( document.getElementById( div_ip ) ) {
      md = document.getElementById( div_ip ).innerHTML
      // The Markdown text is at the top of the page
      // Blank it when read.	 
	 document.getElementById( div_ip ).innerHTML =""
      // or Wrap input in monospaced tags 	 
	 document.getElementById( div_ip ).innerHTML ="<pre>"+md+"</pre>"
	 document.getElementById( div_op ).innerHTML =""
	 var op2Str = markdownParser( md )
     document.getElementById( div_op ).innerHTML = op2Str

// convert Markdown to HTML.
showMarkdown(  "md", "md_op"  )

Simple Markdown

Using my own syntax it is quite easy to write simple web pages in a wiki style.



used this code:


* { font-family: 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Arial, helvetica, Sans-Serif; }
.md    { padding:25px; background-color:#eec;    }
.md_op { padding:25px; background-color:#aa9;  }
img {  padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; height:auto; width:90%; }


<div id=md class=md >
== title

<div id=md_op class=md_op >



function showMarkdown( div_ip, div_op  ){
  var op2Str = ""
  if ( document.getElementById( div_ip ) ) {
      md = document.getElementById( div_ip ).innerHTML
      // The Markdown text is at the top of the page
      // Blank it when read.	 
	 document.getElementById( div_ip ).innerHTML =""

      // or Wrap input in monospaced tags 	 
	 document.getElementById( div_ip ).innerHTML ="<pre>"+md+"</pre>"
	 document.getElementById( div_op ).innerHTML =""
	  /* split the list into an array, the join with <img src=X > | */
      //mdA = md.split("\n")
	  // split on end of line. 
	  // guestbook comment has \n converted to <BR> 
      mdA = md.split(/<P>|<BR>|\n/gi )

  	  var opStr =""
      // parse for a markdown 
	  for( var i = 0 ; i < mdA.length ; i++ ){
  	    opStr =""
		// get line
        line = mdA[i]
        // Title  		
	    if ( line.substr(0,2) == "= "  ) { 
	      opStr = "<h1>"+line.substr(2) +"</h1>\n"
        // Title  		
	    if ( line.substr(0,3) == "== "  ) { 
	      opStr = "<h2>"+line.substr(3) +"</h2>\n"

        // fixed
	    if ( line.substr(0,1) == " "  ) {
	      opStr = "<pre>"+line +"</pre>\n"
		// Look for a filename of a picture
        // how do you select if local or remote?  
	    if ( line.match(/png$|jpg$|gif$|PNG$|JPG$|GIF$/)  ) {
		  //<p><img src="http://www.dougrice.plus.com/images/imgWiki_a_004.jpg"><p>
	      opStr = "<P><img src="+line +" > </P>\n"
	      //opStr = "<P><img src=/images/"+line +" > </P>\n"
		// Look for URL link to web page or picture
	    if ( line.substr(0,4) == "http"  ) {
		  // <a href="http://www.dougrice.plus.com/">http://www.dougrice.plus.com/</a> 

          if ( line.match(/png$|jpg$|gif$|PNG$|JPG$|GIF$/)  ) {
	        opStr = "<P> <img src=\"" + line + "\" >  </P>\n"
		  } else {
	        opStr = "<a href="+line +" >"+line +" </a>\n"

	 	if  ( opStr.length == 0 ){  
 		    opStr = "<p>"+line+"</p>\n"			
		op2Str += opStr
      // update document once
	  document.getElementById( div_op ).innerHTML = op2Str


// convert Markdown to HTML.
showMarkdown( "md", "md_op")


See: http://www.dougrice.plus.com/hp/news/md.htm

This is a simple way for simple notes and lists of photos.

The style sheet is important.

Simple Markdown

<div id="md">
example Markdown
= Title
== Subtitile
* list
If the line starts with HTTP its a link.
  fixed text
== table using csv

== table using tabs - after copy and paste from excel
,1	2	3	4	5
,a	b	c	d	e

== Spot The lighthouse trip
we had a nice day when we went to see the light house up the coast.
 dir /b /images/* > op.txt

== Flat horizon crop

I have a lot of images with a thin horizon and I cropped out just the horizon 

showMarkdown( "md", "md")

I have tried to get it to do tables, but it is getting complicated.

do view source on my page for the JavaScript function. It seems to work.

Using JavaScript

I use showMarkdown() to go line by line through the text block.

If it finds a markdown tag it wraps the found text in the HTML.

Simple rules like headers , links and URLS to pictures, one per line make it simple.

Lists and Tables are more complicated. You have to wrap a list with UL tags and Tables with TABLE.

A count down State machine can be used to do this. These are set to a state and each line count down to zero.

Each time an LI tag is found, the state is set to 2

At the end of the tag search, check if the state is 1, and decrement the state down to 0.

If it is 1 wrap UL or TABLE tags around the HTML for the list of table.

Using TAG

 * means Bullet

 , means CSV table

When you see a * or , at the start, set wrapperTag to UL or Table

You need to agregate lines of rows of a table and then wrap TABLE tags around it if the next line is not a row.

Like for lists, agregate lines for bullet lists and wrap UL tags if another bullet point is not found.

Each time you see a table row, set wrapperTag to TABLE ,

If the next line is not a row, wrap agregated rows with TABLE tags.

If the Markdown line is not a row split it and wrap each cell. And wrap the row with TR tags

If you find a row set wrapperTag to TABLE excluding the >.

If the wrapperTag does not have > agregate, and add > to wrapperTag

If tag has > after all options looked at, its time to wrap.

Could you use a Shift Register State machine ?

when you find a LI or table row set a variable with the tag

 tag2 = "UL"
 tag1 = ""

 if ( tag1.length > 0 ){
   // wrap html with UL and /UL tags or TABLE and /TABLE tags.

 tag1 = tag2
 tag2 = ""

Another way would be to have just Tag and use the first two characters, like the start bit in RS232

 tag = "-_UL"

 tag = "-_table"

 if ( tag.substr(1,0) == "_" ){
 tag = tag.substr(1)

Append >

Append a > on the end of the tag.

If you see > on the end of the wapperTag, its time to wrap the agregates lines in the tag.

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Last edited February 21, 2023 7:50 am by dougrice.plus.com
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